Highest Paid Jobs in Saudi Arabia for Construction Companies
Jobs in Saudi Arabia for Construction Companies
Jobs in Saudi Arabia for Construction Companies. While there are limited employment opportunities for foreign graduates in Saudi Arabia, one of the specialist areas in which there are vacancies is the construction industry. This expansive sector represents an excellent choice for anyone hoping to make the move to the Middle East and this article looks at finding jobs in Saudi Arabia for construction companies - where to find vacancies and the types of qualification that are necessary.
Why Is The Construction Industry In Saudi Arabia A Good Choice?
As the Saudi Arabian government have limited the number of foreign nationals who are permitted to work in the country it can be tricky to find work in the country as companies try to avoid being fined for hiring excessive numbers of overseas workers. One of the best ways to secure employment in Saudi Arabia therefore is to get a job with one of the international companies that has a base in the region. There are many international construction companies operating in Saudi Arabia that can offer you employment and bypass these government restrictions. Construction is also currently a shortage industry in the country and therefore will be a relatively simple sector to gain entry to.
What Kind of Jobs In Saudi Arabia for Construction Companies Can Be Found?
There are a wide range of construction positions available in Saudi Arabian companies which are suitable for foreign nationals to apply for. These roles cover different scopes and are at different pay points, meaning that there are opportunities for a wide range of candidates. Some of the most commonly advertised construction sector positions are as site superintendents, quantity surveyors, civil engineers, and project and construction managers. There is also a wealth of engineering roles available from mechanical and electrical roles to scaffolding engineering and piping construction. This opens the field for all kinds of construction field workers to make the move to the Middle East.
What Are The Benefits Of Working For Construction Companies In Saudi Arabia?
The main benefit of working in Saudi Arabia as a foreign national is that there is no requirement to pay income tax in the country. This means that you can enjoy a larger amount of take home pay and an improvement standard of living. The working week is usually only 5 days, although weekends are a Thursday and Friday rather than a Saturday and Sunday, and the standard working day is only 8 hours with even fewer being required during the Ramadan period.
Construction Jobs in Saudi Arabia
If you are hoping to apply for a position with a construction company in Saudi Arabia, you will need to apply for positions and secure a firm offer of employment before arriving in the country. This allows your new employer to be your sponsor in order to arrange the necessary visas. There is no specific style of CV required, so you can outline your talents, skills, qualifications and experience in the way that you find best. You should also include details about why you are interested in working in the country, and you may also be required by the company that you are applying to provide further personal details about your religion, family situation and marital status. You will almost certainly be interviewed in your home country rather than in Saudi Arabia itself, especially as most of the large construction companies have a network of bases around the world that are responsible for interviewing foreign applicants. Once offered a position, you may also be offered an orientation course to prepare you for life in Saudi Arabia.
What Kind Of Qualifications Are Necessary?
Usually, relevant qualifications to the position that you are applying for that is recognized within the construction industry in your home country will also are acceptable in Saudi Arabia. Usually a good standard of general education is an essential requirement and excellent communication skills are an advantage, particularly if you have some knowledge of Arabic, although generally written and spoken English is the most essential requirement. A degree in a related subject to your application will probably be necessary for most roles. Relevant experience is also essential and for the higher level construction positions, at least 5 years of experience in a similar role within the industry is required.
Where to Find Construction Jobs in Saudi Arabia
Jobs in Saudi Arabia for Construction Companies. There are many websites that are dedicated to collecting and advertising construction jobs from a wide range of companies. This represents an easy and convenient way to view all available roles and apply online. There are also some agencies which specialize in supplying staff for the construction industry and this is another useful way of getting your CV distributed to the best companies.
Highest Paid Jobs for Engineers in Saudi Arabia. One of the biggest
Arabian countries of the world is Saudi Arabia. It is known as the richest nation as well as number one expanding sectors of Middle East.
Saudi Arabia has many blooming sectors among which engineering is the most noticeable one. People who have good skills and qualifications in engineering fields are in very high demand by their leading companies.
These are some of the reasons why hundreds of people from Asian countries are flocking to Saudi Arabia in order to have a promising future of their own.
Types of engineering jobs available in Saudi Arabia
Since engineers and mechanics are high in demand in Saudi Arabia, there is an overabundance of engineeringand mechanical jobs in this sector.
Most of the engineers which are required to fill in the jobs here are process engineers, electrical engineers, project engineers, communication engineers, civil project engineers, structural project engineers, inspection engineers, mechanical engineers, IT engineers, civil engineers and design engineers.
Nature of work
Electrical engineers in Saudi Arabia are required to design as well as manufacture new and unique electrical equipment, testing equipment and problem solving equipment.
Their work is to deal with all kinds of electronic devices and to deal with electromagnetism and electronics. IT engineers on the other hand will have to deal with the computer hardware and software programs.
But IT engineers are only eligible for the job if they have a bachelor’s degree in computer or electrical engineering and are through with the courses of computer sciences, science and math.
In Saudi Arabia, mechanical engineers perform tasks that are all related to physics, engineering, science and electronics.
They will be responsible for designing, analyzing, maintaining and manufacturing all the mechanical systems of their employer company and will be working at the department of production as well as operation of heavy machinery.
Civil engineers are most highly in demand by the people of Saudi Arabia as they are the backbone of entire construction and maintenance of buildings that are built. They make bridges, roads, canals and dams therefore they are most important for salaried sector of engineering.
Salaries offered to engineers in Saudi Arabia
Salaries for engineers in Saudi Arabia may vary depending upon the category of the engineer and the nature of work they do on day to day basis.
The salaries may also differ according to the company’s reputation, skills of the individual and his company designation. On an average, an engineering technicians gets paid around 3000 SAR per month, manufacturing engineer 5000 SAR, highway engineer and quality assurance engineer 6000 SRA, industrial engineer 8000 SAR, equipment engineer 9000 SAR, technical engineer and electrical engineer 10,000 SAR, mechanical engineer, project engineer and maintenance engineer 13000 SAR, structural and sales engineer 14,000 SAR, civil engineer and oil engineer gets paid about 15,000 SAR on monthly.
This indicates the growing scope of engineering in Saudi Arabia where companies are always hiring good and competent people and are giving them heavy salaries and other added benefits according to the signed contracts.