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What to tell your employer to get a remote job

What to tell your employer to get a remote job

 What to tell your employer to get a remote job

Now you will not surprise anyone with remote work and it will not be difficult to find it. After all, employers are ready to work with completely remote workers and know for sure that the quality of work will not be affected. If you are applying for a vacancy with a remote work format, you must have a certain set of qualities that will show the employer that with such a remote employee, the company will only benefit. So we tell you what you need to indicate in the resume and tell at the interview to convince a potential employer of its remote reliability.

Self-discipline and time management

These are basic skills for a remote worker. The recruiter will pay attention to their presence in your resume immediately after the experience and achievements. After all, it is important for the employer that the employee does not have to write thousands of letters of reminders to do the next task. The remote employee must control the process and adhere to deadlines without a boss. If you are applying for a vacancy with remote work, then replace the already tired of “responsibility” and “ability to work in multitasking” with “self-discipline” and “understanding and ability to use the basic principles of time management.”


This skill resonates with self-discipline, but emphasizes not only the ability to complete the task on time. It is also about the possibility of not losing the passion to work without outside praise, without the spirit of competition and a magic kick. The remote employee must be autonomous both in the organization of their working time and in the desire to complete the work as best as possible.


This skill should be summarized and supported in the interview. Tell your employer that it was easy for you to move to the distance in the distant 2020, you quickly set up the work process and did not feel discomfort at Zoom meetings. It is worth emphasizing that if necessary, you can return to the office and adapt to the changes that the world may be preparing.

Technology ownership

It is clear that in today’s world, probably everyone knows how to use a computer. But for a remote employee, it is important to note that he has mastered Zoom, knows how to solve minor problems with his equipment and what works in case of problems with your home ISP or sudden power outage. The employer must be sure that you will not have problems, both professionally and technically.

Ability to work in a team

This skill is important not only for office workers. Although a remote worker may never see his colleagues live, he must be part of the team, not by himself. In addition to the ability to use corporate mail and video calls in the resume, talk about communication in work chats, communication with colleagues using modern technology – convince the employer that you will not fall out of the general collective atmosphere just because you work from home.


Not all companies that hire remote employees work on a standard schedule from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Therefore, it is important to outline in the resume the time frame when you can do the work or be in touch, if the employer requires it. During the interview, talk to your employer in more detail to avoid unexpected moments later.

Availability of a workplace

Finally, tell your employer where you will work. It may not matter to someone whether you are working out of bed or sitting at a computer. But having a full-fledged workplace with a table (not a kitchen), a comfortable chair, proper lighting and the location of the necessary items for work, will only emphasize your responsibility and self-organization.

When communicating with the employer, do not forget to specify whether he has everything necessary for remote work of its employees. Ask how remote workers are onboard, what compensation is provided for using the Internet or mobile communications, whether the company provides work equipment as needed, or whether it can repair your own, and so on. Remember that job search is a two-way process and not only the candidate must meet the requirements of remote employment.